Tuesday, September 25, 2007

One-Arm Carry

I'm getting better at this. I can carry Lily with one arm and hold the bottle or other necessary item with the other. At first I thought this would be impossible, because I need to support her body and head, but I think it's getting easier as she can hold her head up more. I'd wear pants with pockets all the time so I could carry other stuff. Now it's getting better. But sometimes she'll just wing her head back and scare the crap out of me!

So now that you aren't supposed to let babies sleep on their tummies anymore (they call the campaign "Back To Sleep"--yes, we got a handout in the hospital), you have to give them tummy time while they're awake. So we do it on the play mat a few minutes a day, and it's torture to watch her struggle, I hate it. She gets all frustrated, which is normal, but I hate seeing her unhappy! I want to reach over and help, but then I know that would just delay her getting stronger. Ugh.

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