Friday, September 19, 2008

St. Paul Classic Ride General Mills Team Photo

Notice Lily right in the middle! I'm hoping we get a bigger picture, but at least you can see all of us. I heard from Mike today, which always makes me happy. It sounds like he's got access to some really interesting fiction in Singapore that you just wouldn't see here. Book jealousy.

This week was difficult for me. I had a headache the whole time (brought on by the monthly hormone rush and crash) and couldn't take painkillers after Tuesday. This morning I woke up and called my neurology clinic and they scheduled me for an "infusion" which is not narcotics but a cocktail of other stuff that helps you relax, get sleepy, fights the nausea, etc. While waiting for my appointment time I tried to sleep, layed on ice, heat, and cut out some fabric pieces that I need for some upcoming projects. I hate just laying and thinking "my head hurts," and I didn't feel up to watching TV or focusing my eyes on something as small as print in a book. The treatment worked pretty well, I feel much better and just slept all afternoon into evening when I got home. John stayed home today so he could pick me up after the visit (it takes 2.5 hours) and his boss is really nice about it because she also gets migraines. Anyway, I got up and ate something, took my evening pills and read the paper to see what movies are out. Also washed some baby dishes. Trying to do what I can. I'm glad it's the weekend now. Now I'm going back to bed. Better day tomorrow, I hope.

It's almost midnight and I can hear the screeching brat next door mouthing off as usual to one of her friends. You can hear her all the way down the block. This is the one who never graduated high school and has a 2 year-old now. And is still living at home, of course. With alcoholic Grandpa. Ooooh, I try not to think about it, how messed up this kid will be. His mom is just getting to be a fatter and louder version of her 13-year-old self. I just hope she's not pregnant again. I think I would lose a little faith in the universe if that happened.

On the bright side, I found a stay-at-home-moms group through in the Twin Cites that meets a lot. They always have something going on on their calendar, so whenever I want to get out of the house, I can find something. I've met several moms and it's been really fun. Okay, now I'm really going to bed. Seriously. Stop it, I'm going.

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