Saturday, May 21, 2011

When You Die...

"Dad, when you die, Mommy and I will give you some food so you can grow up and not be dead."

Um, ok.  Starting to try to process death and what it means.  Hmmm. I think they say something in school about it; they don't shy away from such topics.  It's just fascinating how she tries to process it.

One day we squished an ant because it was inside the house, and we put it in the trash can, where Lily said it would be happy.  "Um, no, it's dead," I said.  But she was undaunted.  It can still be happy dead, why not?

1 comment:

Sharon Parker said...

Aren't we all still trying to process death and what it means? Isn't that why religion was invented? At least in part, I think, so we can tell ourselves that death isn't the end of existence. That we'll still be happy after we're dead. I know I'd prefer to think that!