Monday, February 15, 2010

Back in My Day

Lily, looking out the window at an older neighbor lady snowblowing her driveway:
When I was an older man I used to have a snowblower.

I know, it's hilarious. It's also exciting, because it's about her imagination and how it's developing and taking off into new realms. Before it was always Mom and Dad who had to make up stuff, like she asks what Cocoa is saying, what her trains dream about, etc. Of course we always ask her what she thinks, but mostly she'd just ask us again. Now she's starting to make up stuff herself. It's quite entertaining, as you can see.

1 comment:

Sharon Parker said...

It's actually more than that, it's a significant cognitive step in her understanding of change and the passage of time. She gets that she won't always be a little girl, she just hasn't quite got all the logistics and chronology figured out. I don't mean to say that she's not being imaginative, but she's using her imagination to place herself in somebody else's shoes. It's pretty cool. I vaguely recall my kids making statements of this sort.