Monday, January 19, 2009

Cranky Virus

Last week Lily seemed to be not quite her perky self. She had a fever a couple days and a runny nose, but then nothin', just cranky and clingy and not sleeping well and not much energy. I tried to get an appt at the clinic to check for an ear infection but they were all booked up so we ended up going to the ER on Friday. She was sooooo goood. First of all, after battling with her for 3 hours to nap (including 2 meals, lots of books, playing, and snuggling), she fell asleep on the 10-minute drive to the hospital...but that was good. Then it was easy for them to put on an ankle id tag and take her blood pressure and stuff. She woke up after about 30 minutes and we saw the doc, who checked her ears while Lily sat on Daddy's lap. She didn't like the pokey ear thing but she didn't scream or cry either.

So here she is in her hospital gown, which luckily for us had dogs on it, so she was happy to wear it. No ear infection, but probably a virus. In fact, her discharge papers identify her condition as having "1 of 200" possible viruses. That will probably last another week. Can't treat it, except to give her some Ibuprofen at night to help her sleep better. Sometimes it helps, but she's still waking up in the middle of night crying sometimes and just wants to be held by Daddy.

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