Friday, September 12, 2008

Lily do? Lily do?

disclaimer: crabby mommy. probably PMSing. Lily helps by reorganizing my purse.

Oh, for cry-eye. Today we had a new teacher come out to see Lily as part of the ECSE program she's in.

(She qualified automatically to be in this school program because of her birth weight. I can't remember what the acronym stands for, but basically it's to make sure she's not falling behind in her development. It's nice because it gives us an idea of what she is expected to be doing skill-wise at her age. Because she's doing so well we only see the teacher once a month. We were supposed to get the same teacher we had last school year but for some unexplained reason we got a different one. She came this morning and I wasn't thrilled. )

This teacher wants us to work on language skills with her, I guess. She didn't give us a goal sheet like the other teacher did, or really discuss it too much, just spent the time trying to get Lily to play the games she wanted her to play. I thought she was a little pushy with getting Lily to play her games, especially since she's a total stranger to Lily right now. Lily kept turning around and clinging to John, which I totally understood. And then the teacher was talking during play, only talking like a cave person..."Lily put in? Lily do." Oh, Lord. I'm not going to talk to her like that. I just don't believe that's required for her to learn language. Then she'll talk like a cave person, for Chrissake. Every time I come up against a situation like this, where I think the teaching is ridiculous, I have to remember that children have been growing up and acquiring language for thousands of years, and their parents didn't have to talk like babies to get their babies to talk. If that makes sense. Then she did some singing and I thought it was gonna take all frickin' day to get through Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, more like Twinkle right into the end of the universe and down through the black hole into nothingness. Jeeeeeeez. Then when we did Itsy Bitsy Spider she said the normal hand movements people do for the spider were "too complicated" for small children. Oh brother. Barney called, he wants his pea brain back.

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