Sunday, July 27, 2008

But Enough about Me

What about Lily? She is doing wonderfully. She's growing big, almost 19 lbs. now and very happy and healthy. She's finally getting some teeth!! Right in front, she's sprouting two lower and two upper teeth. It's so cute, when she gnaws on things now, you hear this little click-click from her tooth.

We're starting to have a more normal schedule, trying to get her in bed by 9ish, although our goal is really 8pm. It's hard to have any time with John if we are up until 11pm with baby every night. She is sleeping through the night now, pretty much. Sometimes she wakes up crying and we think it's the teeth, and Oragel works pretty well helping with that.

We have gone out on a few dates since last time I wrote. Finally got to see the Indy 4 movie, and yes, Harrison Ford was kind of geezer, but it was funny, they made fun of it. It was better and more entertaining than I thought it would be. Last night we went out and saw the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight, and I loved it. I want to see it again. Hans Zimmer did the music and his scores always send chills down my spine. Too bad Heath Ledger is gone, he was so talented in this movie. Usually sequels suck, but this one was almost better than the previous one. This is one I'd actually like to have on DVD when it comes out. There aren't that many movies I like to watch over and over, but there was so much packed into this one, I would watch it again several times.

My mother's helper is working out pretty well, I just look forward to times when I don't have to lie down with a headache when she comes. I'd much rather spend that time on me, making more art, especially for my Etsy shop, and I haven't been able to do that most of the time.

I think that's all for now, I do have a headache and need to go lie down. Will try to keep up better on this blog, even with only a few lines a day if possible. So much is going on with Lily right now and I want to share it!


Seven said...

I'm soo glad you are doing better-Bob has gone on the anti canida diet a coupla times and has had very good results-check out alternative grain pastas-they're actually very yummy-also checkout low glicemic load foods-they seem to help with the headaches.-Love you-K

Seven said...

I'm soo glad you are doing better-Bob has gone on the anti canida diet a coupla times and has had very good results-check out alternative grain pastas-they're actually very yummy-also checkout low glicemic load foods-they seem to help with the headaches.-Love you-K